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Luz Bay

Rua Do Jardim - Praia Da Luz, Lagos
6.4 See 82 reviews

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Pet Policy

Pets are not permitted in this accommodation.

About the accommodation

Luz Bay 4*.

This accommodation is a 4-minute walk from the beach. The Luz Bay is located in the beautiful bay of Praia de Luz, in Lagos, and offers separate swimming pools for adults and children.

All rooms have modern amenities including TV, telephone, air conditioning, free Wi-Fi, desk, and fully-equipped bathroom with shower and hairdryer.

Did you know? The hotel has a tennis academy sponsored by Jonathan Markson Tennis, which offers 3 courts. More information is available at the front desk.

In addition, the accommodation also includes free outdoor car park and a restaurant where you can enjoy a cozy breakfast buffet.

Book now at the Luz Bay 4* for a few days of sun in Portugal.


Some of the services listed may be considered as extras. Please check with the reception desk upon your arrival. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.

Tourism tax

The tourism tax isn't included in the booking price, as it's mandatory to pay this tax directly at the hotel reception. Children under the age of 12 are exempt from this tax. 
The tourism tax in a 4 * Hotel is 2 € per person and night.
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Luz Bay Rua Do Jardim - Praia Da Luz
Luz Bay
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What our customers say about the accommodation

Based on 82 reviews
All of these reviews have been thoroughly reviewed and authenticated.
6.6 Mireia Travelled with couple August 2024 Había aire. Habían hormigas y humedades dentro de la habitación. Hasta el punto que algún día al levantarme las tenia en mi cama. Good 6 Tania Travelled with family August 2024 El hotel está muy descuidado. Le falta mucho mantenimiento. Average 7.7 Laura María August 2024 Blank review Good 9.4 Noelia Travelled with  friends August 2024 Blank review Excellent 8.3 Sonia Travelled with couple August 2024 Hunivavion Comida média pension muito cara para a qualidade Very good 6 Sebastian Travelled with couple August 2024 La cena era en restaurante cercano. Buenas calidad aunque no mucha variedad. Habitantes antiguas, faltaria una actualización al hotel, se quedó en los años 90. Desayuno poco variado y repetitivo, todos los días lo mismo y si llegas algo tarde no reponen demasiado, te quedas sin comida. Average 6.6 Ana Maria Travelled with couple June 2024 Blank review Good 4.9 Montserrat Travelled with couple June 2024 The location of the hotel is very good and it is a nice hotel, but it certainly lacks a lot to be a 4 star hotel.
La ubicación del hotel es muy buena y es un hotel bonito, pero desde luego le falta mucho para ser de 4 estrellas
I am very sorry to have to rate so low, but the hotel does not deserve more. They gave us a room on the first floor with an unbearable smell of damp and if we were in the room we had to be with the curtains closed because if people passed outside you had no privacy, they did not clean the room or the bathroom almost every day, the floor was dirty and towels were not changed in the 7 days we were there, the small beds and even broken the base, the bad breakfast and bad juice, muffins bag, even the coffee was bad. Even the hammocks at the pool were very dirty, thank goodness we have been every day visiting the Algarve which is super nice and only went to sleep in the hotel. It is a shame because it is a nice hotel but it lacks a lot of cleaning and maintenance especially in the rooms, also I do not understand why they gave us that room, because there were many free rooms at the top that at least had privacy and would be more ventilated. I have made many trips with buscounchollo and this is the first time this has happened to me, the hotels have always been very good, I will continue to trust them, and surely next time I will get a decent hotel.
Siento mucho tener que puntuar tan bajo, pero el hotel no se merece más. Nos dieron una habitación en la planta baja con un olor insoportable a humedad y si estábamos en la habitación teníamos que estar con las cortinas cerradas porque si pasaba gente por fuera no tenías ningún tipo de intimidad, no limpiaron la habitación ni el baño casi ningún día, el suelo estaba sucisimo y las toallas no las cambiaron en los 7 días que estuvimos, la camas pequeñas y hasta rota la base, el desayuno mal y zumo malísimo ,magdalenas de bolsa, hasta el café era malo. Hasta las hamacas de la piscina estaban muy sucias, menos mal que hemos estado todos los días visitando el Algarve que es super bonito y solo íbamos a dormir al hotel Es una pena porque es un hotel bonito pero falta mucha limpieza y mantenimiento sobre todo en las habitaciones, además no entiendo porque nos dieron esa habitación , porque había muchísimas habitaciones libres en la parte superior que por lo menos tenían intimidad y estarían más ventiladas . He hecho muchos viajes con buscounchollo y es la primera vez que me pasa esto, siempre los hoteles han estado muy bien, seguiré confiando en ellos, y seguro que la próxima vez me toca un hotel decente
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7.3 Marina Travelled with family May 2024 The hotel is nice, spacious rooms, good cleanliness and very friendly staff.
El hotel es bonito, habitaciones amplias, buena limpieza y personal muy agradable
I booked half board with breakfast and dinner. When we arrived we are told that dinner is at a restaurant a couple of km away. This is not the idea we had when we booked the half board and if you want to be taken there you can only have dinner at 7 o'clock. Half board and if you want to be taken there you can only have dinner at 7.
Reservé media pensión con desayuno y cena. Cuando llegamos nos dicen que la cena es en un restaurante a un par de km de allí. No es la idea que teníamos al coger la Media pensión d y si quieres que te lleven solo puedes cenar a las 7. Si no, a coger el coche.
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3.8 María Alejandra Travelled with  friends March 2024 Blank review Basic
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Frequently asked questions about Luz Bay

Where can I park at Luz Bay?

If you stay at Luz Bay you have the following parking possibilities (subject to availability):
  • Free outdoor parking
  • Paid Indoor parking

Does the Luz Bay have wifi connection?

The Luz Bay offers free Wi-Fi throughout the hotel.

Can I stay with a pet at Luz Bay?

Pets are not allowed at Luz Bay.

Is there children's cots available at Luz Bay?

The Luz Bay has cots available with direct payment at the hotel (you must request before you start your trip).

Does the Luz Bay have a swimming pool?

Yes, Luz Bay has a swimming pool (this service could have an extra fee). Here you have more info about the swimming pool and other facilities.
  • Outdoor swimming pool (summer season)
  • Children's pool (summer season).

Does the Luz Bay have a 24h reception?

Yes, Luz Bay has a 24-hour reception.

Is there heating in Luz Bay?

Yes, Luz Bay has heating in the common areas.

Is there air conditioning in the common areas at Luz Bay?

Yes, Luz Bay has air conditioning in the common areas.